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Neuromuscular & Physical Therapy

Do you suffer from muscular aches and pains? Can you imagine what it would be like to wake up in the morning feeling pain free, loose and flexible? How would it be to work, play sports, drive, exercise, rest and play without feeling painful, aching muscles?

Neuromuscular therapy, physical therapy and trigger point therapy (combined with massage) are techniques that I use to effectively loosen the tight and stiff muscles that can cause you pain so that you can go about your daily business relaxed, rejuvenated and revived.


Neuromuscular therapy is more advanced and effective than general massage as a form of dealing with chronic muscular pain. There are a number of techniques that I use to treat muscular pain including soft tissue release, muscle energy technique, trigger point therapy and positional release.


As an experienced neuromuscular practitioner, I’ve learned to 'see' or accurately sense with the hands what is going on with a particular muscle. Using my knowledge of the muscles involved and applicable manipulation techniques, I choose the method that most benefits my client and helps recover normal muscle function.


What causes you pain?


Painful muscles, joint stiffness and stress are your body’s call for help. You need to stop and listen to what your body needs in order for it to heal.

The musculoskeletal system is the greatest energy user in the body and is the means by which we express our human existence. It can, however, be a major source of pain and discomfort.


There can be various causes for this:


  • Overuse, disuse, misuse, abuse

  • Negative emotional states e.g. stress, anxiety

  • Postural stress

  • Congenital factors e.g. hypermobility

  • Pathology (arthritis etc)

  • Most of us will be affected to some degree by one or more of the above at some stage in our lives, which is where bodywork therapies can help.


Stresses affecting the body can be physiological, emotional, behavioural and structural:

  • Physiological stresses might include overuse or repetitive use such as from repetitive work like sitting at a computer all day or driving long distances or from sporting activities.

  • Emotional stresses are known to affect muscular postures and patterns. Feelings of anger, fear, depression, excitement all play a role in muscular postures and patterns. The use of metaphor for emotional feelings relating to the body is well documented.

  • As all movement requires muscular activity habitual patterns can develop that we are unaware of. Such repetitive actions can result in damage

  • Structural stresses can include sciolosis, kyphosis, lordosis​


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